
- Do you usually take in consideration environmental sustainable choices in your creations ?
- Have you ever considered alternative choices instead of the traditional ones ?
- Did you ever think about choosing, as a venue for your creations, a space which had a different destination ?
Collect the necessary information on environmental certifications in order to reach the most ecological solution possible, preferably by resorting to local suppliers. Pay particular attention to the methods of disposing of materials and especially paints and their containers.
Recycling and reuse are a fundamental element of environmental sustainability. The use of materials, objects or stage clothes deriving from recycling or reuse can guarantee both ecological and economic savings.
Change your mindset : transform instead of creating from scratch !
Prefer wood and other materials that have already been used and that you can transform!
Know more about it
Environmental associations have long promoted the fight to reduce the environmental impact in the traditional fashion industry by promoting the elimination of toxic substances in production processes: substances that, moreover, remain on the products even after processing. The use of these substances has two major consequences:
Environmental contamination – the toxic substances used to make clothing are not biodegradable and, when clothes are washed, these substances accumulate in wastewater, polluting the surrounding environment.
Pathologies related to the bioaccumulation of toxic substances on the skin – bioaccumulation is a process that leads to the agglomeration of toxic substances on the epidermis causing problems of different kinds to health.
These reasons have led small producers and large companies to produce ecological clothing lines, showing greater attention during production processes, to ensure greater environmental protection and consumer health.