Mobility and Transportation

- Using sustainable transport whenever possible!
Walking or riding a bike can completely avoid carbon emissions from driving (although shoes and bicycles contribute to carbon emissions! We have to always take into consideration several circumstances while making an informed choice. And we should balance the pros and cons of it!).
Using public transportation can drastically reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, low carbon vehicles are an option that allow driving but still reduce overall carbon emissions. Electric cars emit no carbon dioxide if the electricity they are charged with has no associated carbon emissions.
- Drive more efficiently by not speeding and accelerating unnecessarily, as these driving styles can reduce mileage by 33%. Also, avoiding traffic whenever possible is important as idling contributes to CO2 emissions.
Do you make use of eco-friendly transportation in your daily life? The transportation sector is responsible for more than 20% of CO2 emissions globally. In the U.S., it makes up about 25 % of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
High speed trains create the lowest carbon emissions impact on the environment! Prefer them!
The goods transportation sector is one of the major sources of greenhouse gas emissions produced by human beings. Specifically, it represents almost 64% of end-use petroleum consumption worldwide, highlighting the importance of making a firm commitment to preserve the environment. Also, with a view to guaranteeing a sustainable future for the coming generations, the European Union aims at reducing today’s pollution levels to 40% by 2030. It is obvious that logistics companies have an enormous part to play in limiting pollution emissions in all kinds of transport. But what can be done to guarantee more sustainable transport?