Choose a welcome and introduction method/tool and ice-breakers There are many ways for an efficient and more or less easy (and fun) round of introductions. It is essential that participants share their names, professional profiles and special interest or challenge and/or expectations of the meeting. Try to give enough time to people to introduce themselves… Continue reading Designing the meeting
Art Meet Up branches
Following up the meeting
Send out thank you e-mails This step is important to show the people that their participation was important for you, and create a nice communication in case of follow-up meetings. Send out reminders of agreed follow-ups (if any) You can also share the harvest of the results, and send notes from the work that has… Continue reading Following up the meeting
Implementing the meeting
Welcome the participants and assist them in filling in the participation list with contact information and the consent form Important This step will be helpful later for posting pictures of the meeting and the press release. Also, for the communication in case of a follow up meeting. Implement the welcome activity -introduction method/tool Welcome all… Continue reading Implementing the meeting
Scheduling the meeting
Select sectors to “bridge” Chose which sector’s professionals you find interesting to meet up with artists, e.g tourism professionals, environment or social scientists… Be creative and dare to imagine unexpected combinations, possibilities may be endless! OR : Chose Art professionals of very different (and not usually collaborating) backgrounds –Which ones? (e.g. comics artists and dancers,… Continue reading Scheduling the meeting