Organize and keep track of your goals, projects and tasks. Keep remote and distributed teams, and work anytime, anywhere. Asana is made so that workplaces of any size can analyze their progress and address issues all in one place, eliminating the need for constant meetings, email updates, and memos.
50+ Digital Tools branches
Free stock photos and videos you can use everywhere. Browse millions of high-quality, (mainly) royalty free and copyright free stock images, pictures and videos in a wide variety of ratios and resolutions even up to 4K.
OBS Studio
OBS Studio is a free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. It allows you to connect to any live streaming or video conferencing platform, and use wide range of digital cameras or screen sharing for live streaming.
Happy Scribe
Happy Scribe is a transcription platform where you can upload or link an audio or video, and get them automatically transcribed from speech to text in just a few minutes. Especially great for researchers, journalists, students, writers, or videographers for subtitles and it can be very useful in social media content creation as well.