
A free HTML5 app to take the pain out of transcribing interviews. An essential tool for journalists, academics, videomakers and anyone who needs to transcribe audio.


Issuu is a digital publishing platform delivering exceptional reading experiences of magazines, catalogs, and newspapers. Millions of people have uploaded their best publications to create beautiful digital editions. Join millions of content creators and transform your PDFs into SEO-friendly embeddable flipbooks, social stories, email graphics and more.


Font Squirrel scours the internet for high quality, legitimately free fonts. Download thousands of completely legal, high quality, free fonts or upload an image of an unkown font of yours and Font Squirell helps you identify it.


Yumpu offers a digital platform for publishing your magazines, brochures or catalogs. Communicate your message and grab the attention of new readers. Gain readers and customers worldwide.


FontBase is the font manager of the new generation, built by designers, for designers. With a set of great features FontBase helps you find the exact font you need.