Tips & Tricks User Guide

What is it

Tips and Tricks intends to be a clear and simple pathway into project planning for creators and managers of cultural organizations. 


Engage users in a reflective exercise prior to the implementation of cultural and artistic projects.

Overcome wrong, far-fetched and/or unrealistic assumptions.

Support creators and cultural managers to take the first steps towards sound planning of artistic and cultural projects.

How it works

Have a look at the six wrong assumptions that can lead a project to failure. If any of them ring a bell with you, click on it and access the content.  

The topics cover relevant themes such as the idea, its conceptualization, actions needed, expenses and sources of income, timing, and so on.

A step by step structure

For each step you will find : 

  1. Step Number
  2. Wrong Assumption
  3. brief discussion 
  4. What is the tool ?
  5. How to use it?
  6. Link to templates

The links and tools offered have been compiled from free-use external materials or have been prepared for this section.